Sr. No. | Name of Student | Name of University | Subject |
1 | Tushar Wagh | MPKV, Rahuri | Genetics & Plant Breeding |
2 | Ranvirsingh Tomar | Extension Education |
3 | Ganesh Pawar | Soil Science & Agril Chemistry |
4 | Rahul Kangale | College Of Agriculture,, Pune | Agriculture Business Management |
5 | Kalyani Kathode | Agriculture Business Management |
6 | Parag Sabale | BSKKV, Dapoli | Genetics & Plant Breeding |
7 | Dhanashree Nikure | PDKV, Akola | Agronomy |
8 | Prayag Gaygol | Agronomy |
9 | Yashwant Raut | Genetics & Plant Breeding |
10 | Abhishek Bhonde | Entomology |
11 | Pavan Somatkar | Entomology |
12 | Shubham Tekade | Plant Pathology |
13 | Pankaj Deshmukh | Plant Pathology |
14 | Vivek Khawale | Extension Education |
15 | Jaya Wankhade | Extension Education |
16 | Radhesham Dakhore | Animal Science |
17 | Shivani Jayale | Fruit Science |
18 | Sumit Umarkar | Vegetable Science |
19 | Ankush Sapkal | College Of Agriculture, Nagpur | Genetics & Plant Breeding |
20 | Akshay Morey | Entomology |
21 | Mayuri Malge | Agronomy |
22 | Kiran kumar Borse | College Of Agriculture, Nagpur | Agri Business Management |
23 | Bhagyashree Barde | Agri Business Management |
24 | Ujjawal Panherkar | SHUATS, Allahabad, UP | Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry |
25 | Patil Vishwanath Jibhau | MBA |
26 | Mante Rushikesh Suresh | MBA |
27 | Mankar Sumit Devendra | MBA |
28 | Mahajan Pramod Jagannath | MBA |
29 | Bonde Somesh Anilpant | MBA |
30 | Bedarkar Ashwin Ramesh | MBA |
31 | Mhaisane Akash | MBA |
32 | Thakare Bhagvan Bhimrao | MBA |